

R-project sites

R project

R help

R wiki

R Introduccion (en linea, ingles)


Braun W.J., Murdoch D.J. A First Course in Statistical Programming with R

Phil Spector Data Manipulation with R

Beckerman Getting Started with R

Ben Bolker Ecological Models and Data in R

Mick Crawley The R Book

Venables & Ripley Modern Applied Statistics in S-Plus

Andrew Gelman & Jennifer Hill Hierarchical Models

Alain Zuur et al A Beginner’s Guide to R

general programming

Code Academy - “Learn to code. Codecademy is the easiest way to learn how to code. It’s interactive, fun, and you can do it with your friends”

Software Carpentry “Our mission is to help scientists be more productive by teaching them basic computing skills”

online programming R resources

Peter Hurd

scientific notation

text editors

A list of text editors for Windows, Mac and Linux (although in this course you will use RStudio).


Edward Tufte The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Envisioning Information, Beautiful Evidence

Paul Murrell R Graphics

Bill Cleveland The Elements of Graphing Data, Visualizing Data

R Graph Gallery

Gallery of Data Visualisation

dot plots

simple graphs


general statistics

Ecology and Epidemiology in R

Burns stats



spreadsheet addiction

why does Excel suck so much?

specific analyses
