Lab Openings

Updated: Fall 2024

Our research is motivated by the striking differences between plants and animals. The sessile nature, modular construction, and evolutionary flexibility that plants exhibit lead to intriguing challenges in ‘thinking like a plant’.

Such challenges include:

Answering these fundamental biological questions is essential for predicting how anthropogenic impacts (such as climate change and land-use change) will alter forests in the future; and how we can better manage, conserve, and restore forests to mitigate these impacts.

Using a range of techniques from greenhouse experiments, long-term census data, and literature and herbarium research to large-scale data collection and cutting-edge statistical modelling, we address just such a variety of pure and applied questions that are ultimately concerned with how individuals, species and communities (including humans) interact over both ecological and evolutionary time.

REMOTE RESEARCH Comparative macroecological studies offer insight into the diversity of ways that organisms ‘make a living’. Understanding how the abiotic and biotic environments shape trait evolution and organismal function is vital to inform principles of biogeography and determine the limits of species distributions. These projects develop databases of plant leaf traits that we integrate with existing data on plant distributions (often networks of tree plots), to ask how plant form and function vary in response to climate.

FIELD RESEARCH Most of our field research is carried out in the lowland Amazonian rain forest of Yasuni National Park, Ecuador, where we have long-term projects studying the population dynamics, phenology, and reproductive ecology of tropical trees and herbs in a large mapped forest plot. Students in YSE, EEB, and EVST are eligible for funding from Yale and the Yale Tropical Resources Institute to carry out fieldwork here.

Post-docs: yes!

If you are interested in developing a grant proposal, either for NSF or another source, please get in touch!

Yale-specific post-doc funding

Graduate Students

PhD: no, sorry

YSE has an excellent joint PhD program with New York Botanical Garden.

In my current non-ladder faculty position, I am not able to directly supervise PhD students, but can co-advise if they are registered with ladder faculty.

Masters: yes!

I am able to directly advise Masters students in the MESc and MFS programs, as well as advise MEM and MF students.

The qualities I look for in graduate students include: highly motivated to pursue answers to outstanding questions in ecology and evolution, an integrative research approach, ability to learn and train themselves, good quantitative, analytical, reasoning, writing and editing skills.

Facilities in the School and other Departments are good for conducting lab, greenhouse, field or computer-based approaches.

If you are interested in pursuing graduate work in my lab, please email a statement of your research interests and a CV/Resume that gives your educational background (GPA, relevant biology, math and statistics classes), related work/field/lab experience, publications if any, and GRE scores if available. I will get back to you as soon as I can.


YSE Three Cairns

YSE has a new program to support students from the global south:

NSF Graduate Research Fellowships

Phd and research Masters students are eligible to apply for NSF graduate fellowships. Students can apply in the year before they start a graduate program (October 21st deadline this year), and then again in their 1st year.

Each Fellowship consists of three years of support during a five-year fellowship period. Currently, NSF provides a stipend of $34,000 to the Fellow and a cost-of-education allowance of $12,000 to the graduate degree-granting institution for each Fellow who uses the fellowship support in a fellowship year.

More details here.

Undergraduate students: yes!

I encourage sincere, hardworking and motivated undergraduate students to actively participate in research projects or to conduct their own independent research. Please see here for undergraduates who have worked in the lab.

If you are interested in gaining practical experience in ecology and evolution and you are interested in the research described on this website, please contact me to discuss possibilities. Please include details of the courses you have taken/are taking, current GPA, etc.

For more details, please see the Yale Undergraduate Research Database.

The EEB department has great resources on undergraduate research, as well as a description of the lab by a previous undergraduate.

The Yale Tropical Resources Institute has some funding available for senior thesis work.

Grad school advice

Estien et al. 2022. Demystifying the graduate school application process. Bulletin of the ESA, 104. e02029. link

Before you write to me (or any potential advisor!) please read and think about the ideas suggested in the following links: